Monthly archives: May 2011

Teams and Teamwork
Reading Time: 7 minutesTeams and Teamwork have changed The make-up and nature of teams have changed significantly in recent years. Organisations have become more distributed across geography and across industries. Closer relationships between people inside an organisation and those previously considered outside (customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders) have become more important. Organisations [...]

Teams and Teamwork 2.0

Bullying 2
Reading Time: 3 minutesA very wise lady, the late Blanche Eldon, told me something when I was about 15 years old, that has stayed with me ever since. I was in my first management role – a Patrol Leader in a local Boy Scout Troop. We were mid-way through our ten-day summer camp and one of [...]

Feedback: A teaspoonful of criticism, and a bucketful of praise!